Is a Website right for My Business or Do I want to Keep Working 7 Days a Week?

The Fastest way to grow your sales and make more money is by people knowing your product or business exists

When I first started in business I believed that who you knew and hard work were going to be the keys to success….. I was wrong! 

5 Years and a second new business later I realized that the theory I had spent so much time believing was wrong! I started wondering and thinking there has to be more to business growth than this. Some people seem to grow their business with ease and with less work than I was putting in. I was exhausted working 7 days a week and thinking about business every hour I was awake!  Now Don’t get me wrong, word of mouth and hard work were helpful for start-up growth. Social media was getting me followers but it was not making me any sales. Above all,  I was exhausted and still had to work hard! 

The thought “there Just has to be an easier way to grow my business into more profits faster” grew stronger every day!

It wasn’t until someone asked me the question 

“How could they find me, and give me their money, without being with me or in my business?” That is the moment I realized They couldn’t! If they could not find me or give me their money at the moment they wanted to then I was missing opportunities to make more money. I had no clue about building a website and had only heard about how hard it was. I knew nothing about coding, SEO, or how to even make graphics for a site. I decided I had to do the hard thing and figure out how to build a website… and I did! Was it hard, yes! Was it easier than I expected, Absolutely! Did I learn an invaluable tool for business, That is a guarantee! Was I super excited the day someone said they found my business because of my website, heck yeah I was! Did we dance in the middle of the room when the first order came through, you better believe it! 

I had done the hard thing and made some major growth in my business marketing strategies! I felt confident and could see the fruits of my labor paying off! The next step was to better optimize my website with SEO (search engine optimization)! Just like building a website I had no clue what or how to do this but what I did know is I could do this also…. and I did it! This was the game-changer for my business! 

Why a Website Changed My Business Forever

An Optimized website is how my business grew not only locally but across the US all within a month! I had spent years working hard and waiting for word of mouth but the key to the fastest growth was when I put my business on the internet for people to find. Instead of me searching for people, they were finding me, and let me tell you what when people are looking for you your workload is so much easier! You have more time to do the things you love and the hard things that make your business grow! 

Can You imagine What would have happened if I didn’t create a website…. My guess is nothing too great would have come out of it! But what Did happen because I just did the hard thing….. THE GAME CHANGED! That is why We Do what We DO so that the Game will Change for others also! At the end of the day, We believe we can all win in business! If you feel stuck, unsure, overwhelmed, know you need a website/SEO/email list/ logo/Graphic marketing designs, etc., and need help please email, call, or message us and let’s do something together!

 I mean what would happen to the future of your business if you just called us up?!?!?!

Don’t worry about sounding professional. Sound like you. There are over 1.5 billion websites out there, but your story is what’s going to separate this one from the rest. If you read the words back and don’t hear your own voice in your head, that’s a good sign you still have more work to do.

Be clear, be confident and don’t overthink it. The beauty of your story is that it’s going to continue to evolve and your site can evolve with it. Your goal should be to make it feel right for right now. Later will take care of itself. It always does.


Is it Hard to Start a Business?


Am I Running my Business, or Is My Business Running Me?